
Top Talent at Ridgeline: Donovan's Story

Engineering Manager Donovan Gini's family relocated from the Bay Area. See why they're thriving in Reno.

January 30, 2024

Donovan Gini is an Engineering Manager of Platform UI at Ridgeline. A few years ago, when Donovan and his family decided they needed a change of pace, Reno was a natural choice. His sister and her family had lived here for almost 10 years, and every time he visited, he really enjoyed the city, as did his family. What could be better, he thought, than having his kids grow up close to their cousins?

Once they chose Reno, Donovan reached out to some connections he had at Ridgeline. He had known about the company through his previous job. Excited for a new opportunity, he and his wife decided that if he got the job, they would make the move. Today, they are happily settled in Reno and excited to be part of the community.

Read the full article here.